My canvas is a drum

Stroke, stroke, stroke
Dab, Dab
Scratch-ch-ch-ch… whisk, WHISK!
Wiiiiiipe dab, dab.

(Repeat 2,500 - 250,000 times,
with unpredictable variation).

Rhythm and the breaking of rhythm and the
intent behind that rhythm is as important to my
new paintings as how color or form are achieved.
In my most recent work I have painted an exciting rhythm onto the surface of each piece, noticeable in the way the color fields have been blended and woven together on the canvas.
The effect invokes a repetitive, familiar and constantly varied texture, just as rugs are woven from fabric scraps, or the way waves are repeated across the water broken up by the changing wind.
The spaces between the strokes and the pushing/pulling of the knife across the canvas
also interweaves a sense of rhythm:
unexpected, comforting and harmonic.

- Keith Skipton

Applying metal powder to the edges of DEEP CANYON.

Applying metal powder to the edges of DEEP CANYON.